Thursday, 10 November 2011

Mixed Lighting

In this photo we used light with a combination of the sun with a reflection disk.In this used the light to reflect of the reflection disk to add more gold or silver colour to the face.We used a nikon DX 18-55mm lens, 1/50, f36 and 150 manual.This was cool to capture an image of light combination as we used the suns reflectant to show in the photo and the face. 

Monday, 7 November 2011


In this project we took a picture from the renaissance era and captures an image to replace the head.In this photo we used Lorenzo de' Medici-ritratto which was ruler of florence and replaced it ith an image of me.We used many features to make it accurate such as colour coating it,sharping it etc.This project was very fun,but needed a lot of work to edit but was great.